The importance of Lasting Powers of Attorney

Last night Martin Lewis shed light on the importance of Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) on his program. Taking control of your future and financial affairs is crucial.

A Lasting Power of Attorney (“LPA”) is a legal document by which someone (“the Donor”) gives someone they trust (“the Attorney”) power and authority to make decisions and carry out transactions on behalf of the Donor.  Without an LPA, no-one would have legal authority to manage another person’s affairs if they became incapable of managing themselves, whether through old age, illness or injury.  Making an LPA avoids the time consuming and expensive process of an application to the Court of Protection for a deputyship order.

A Lasting Power of Attorney is a powerful tool which should not be given lightly.  Although the (lengthy) forms that are needed to create an LPA can be bought or downloaded from the internet, we believe that seeking the assistance of a member of our experienced team can give peace of mind at the time of taking such an important step.

If you need further advice please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team.